About José María De Teresa


Prof. José María De Teresa leads the group of Nanofabrication and Advanced Microscopies (NANOMIDAS) at the Institute of Materials Science of Aragon (CSIC-University of Zaragoza, Spain). Coordinator of the Spanish network on Nanolithography (NANOLITO) and the FIB-SEM area in the Spanish National facility for Advanced Microscopies. Board member of the Condensed Matter Division in the European Physical Society. My main research interests are nanofabrication with focused electron and ion beams, magnetic nanostructures, nano-superconductivity and epitaxial graphene. More than 220 research articles (h factor=47) and 100 invited conferences. Supervisor of 15 PhD thesis. Fellow of the American Physical Society. Writer of science fiction novel “2037. Paraíso neuronal”.

Education and scientific career

September 1970

Born on 14th September 1970 in Zaragoza, the capital of the historical region of Aragón, in the north of Spain. Primary, secondary and high school education in Marianistas schools (Bajo Aragón and Santa María del Pilar).


Physics Studies at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). A picture of the class mates can be found here.


PhD student at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). Supervisors: Prof. M.R. Ibarra and A. del Moral. Title: “Study of rare-earth intermetallic compounds with valence and magnetic moment instability and of manganites with colossal magnetoresistance“.


Postdoctoral stay at “Unite Mixte de Recherche CNRS-Thomson” with an individual Marie Curie fellowship in Orsay (France). Supervisor: A. Fert. Subject: “Magnetic tunnel junctions” 


1998-2000: Postdoctoral stay at “Unite Mixte de Recherche CNRS-Thomson” with an individual Marie Curie fellowship in Orsay (France). Supervisor: A. Fert. Subject: “Magnetic tunnel junctions”

From 2001:

Permanent researcher in the Council of Research of Spain, CSIC, at the Institute of Materials Science in Zaragoza (ICMA), Spain.

From 2010:

Research Professor in the Council of Research of Spain, CSIC, at the Institute of Materials Science in Zaragoza (ICMA), Spain.



Outstanding doctoral thesis (University of Zaragoza)


RSEF Award to outstanding young physicist in 1997 (Spanish Royal Physical Society, RSEF)


Aragon-Investiga Award to outstanding young scientist in 2004 (Government of Aragon).


APS Fellow (Fellow of the American Physical Society)

My physic’s classmates

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(+34) 976 762 463


Facultad de Ciencias
Campus Plaza San Francisco
50009 Zaragoza (Spain)

LMA - Universidad de Zaragoza
Edificio de I+D
Campus Río Ebro
50018 Zaragoza (Spain)

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