My scientific life in photos


Dinner with Pablo Jarillo Herrero in Boston (December 2024)

Dinner with Pablo Jarillo Herrero in Boston (December 2024)

Discussion with Joachim Sauer (husband of Angela Merkel) at EURASC workshop in Lisboa (October 2024)

Discussion with Joachim Sauer (husband of Angela Merkel) at EURASC workshop in Lisboa (October 2024)

Ceremony of the Europhysics Prize at CMD31 in Braga, giving the diploma to Andrea Cavalleri (September 2024)

Ceremony of the Europhysics Prize at CMD31 in Braga, giving the diploma to Andrea Cavalleri (September 2024)

PhD thesis defence of Alba Salvador-Porroche (March 2024)

PhD thesis defence of Alba Salvador-Porroche (March 2024)

Visit of the rector of University of Ibagué and of Alejandro Silhanek to the LMA (May 2024)

Visit of the rector of University of Ibagué and of Alejandro Silhanek to the LMA (May 2024)

With Francesc Pérez Murano (new member of Academy of Sciences in Barcelona) and Xavier Obradors in Barcelona (May 2024)

With Francesc Pérez Murano (new member of Academy of Sciences in Barcelona) and Xavier Obradors in Barcelona (May 2024)

With Ricardo García (ICMM, Madrid) after signing in his board of fame (truly honoured!) (April 2024)

With Ricardo García (ICMM, Madrid) after signing in his board of fame (truly honoured!) (April 2024)

With Juan Ignacio Cirac in the RSEF conference in San Sebastián (July 2024)

With Juan Ignacio Cirac in the RSEF conference in San Sebastián (July 2024)

With Nobel Prize winner Klaus von Klitzing and Jorge Mira in Santiago de Compostela (September 2024)

With Nobel Prize winner Klaus von Klitzing and Jorge Mira in Santiago de Compostela (September 2024)

In The Radio Program Aragón Radio – Agora Interviewed By Marcos Ruiz Together With Concha Gimeno

In The Radio Program Aragón Radio – Agora Interviewed By Marcos Ruiz Together With Concha Gimeno

With Nobel Prize Winner Anne L´Huilier And Other Spanish Scientists In EPS Forum   Berlín (March 2024)

With Nobel Prize Winner Anne L´Huilier And Other Spanish Scientists In EPS Forum Berlín (March 2024)

Summer School In Jaca Organized By Nanolito And Elecmi (July 2024)

Summer School In Jaca Organized By Nanolito And Elecmi (July 2024)

Diploma As A New Member Of The European Academy Of Sciences (EURASC), Given By His President Rodrigo Martins In The Academy Of Sciences Of Lisboa (October 2024)

Diploma As A New Member Of The European Academy Of Sciences (EURASC), Given By His President Rodrigo Martins In The Academy Of Sciences Of Lisboa (October 2024)

Having A Work Dinner With Agnès Barthélémy And Jacobo Santamaría In The Framework Of MRS Conference In Seattle (April 2024)

Having A Work Dinner With Agnès Barthélémy And Jacobo Santamaría In The Framework Of MRS Conference In Seattle (April 2024)

Invitation Lunch Provided By Soraya Sangiao On The Occasion Of Her Promotion To Associate Professor At University Of Zaragoza (December 2024)

Invitation Lunch Provided By Soraya Sangiao On The Occasion Of Her Promotion To Associate Professor At University Of Zaragoza (December 2024)


The President of Aragón, Javier Lambán, visits our institute on April 10th 2023.

The President of Aragón, Javier Lambán, visits our institute on April 10th 2023.

Visit to synchrotron ALBA in Barcelona of the director and area coordinators of the LMA (Pilar Cea, Raúl Arenal and David Serrate) on February 13th 2023.

Visit to synchrotron ALBA in Barcelona of the director and area coordinators of the LMA (Pilar Cea, Raúl Arenal and David Serrate) on February 13th 2023.

Talk on the occasion of the 125 anniversary of the Association of Pharmaceutics in Zaragoza on 21st June 2023.

Talk on the occasion of the 125 anniversary of the Association of Pharmaceutics in Zaragoza on 21st June 2023.

Meeting Pablo Jarillo-Herrero in APS March meeting in Las Vegas.

Meeting Pablo Jarillo-Herrero in APS March meeting in Las Vegas.

Meeting various Spanish Physicists in APS March meeting in Las Vegas.

Meeting various Spanish Physicists in APS March meeting in Las Vegas.

In the Europhysics Prize 2023 ceremony in Milan, handing in the award to Claudia Felser and Andrei Bernevig in the name of the EPS on September 6th.

In the Europhysics Prize 2023 ceremony in Milan, handing in the award to Claudia Felser and Andrei Bernevig in the name of the EPS on September 6th.

In the opening ceremony of the CMD30 – FISMAT conference in Milan on September 4th.

In the opening ceremony of the CMD30 – FISMAT conference in Milan on September 4th.

In the ceremony of Spanish National Science Prizes, presided by the Spanish king and queen in Alicante on March 1st.

In the ceremony of Spanish National Science Prizes, presided by the Spanish king and queen in Alicante on March 1st.

Becoming Fellow of the European Physical Society in Porto, on May 27th.

Becoming Fellow of the European Physical Society in Porto, on May 27th.


In Gandía with the Spanish Science Minister, Ms. Diana Morant and my colleague Dr. Fernando Bartolomé, on the occasion of the first meeting of the Spanish Advanced Materials project (9th November)

In Gandía with the Spanish Science Minister, Ms. Diana Morant and my colleague Dr. Fernando Bartolomé, on the occasion of the first meeting of the Spanish Advanced Materials project (9th November)

In the CMD29 conference (24th August), held in Manchester (U.K.), with the 2022 Europhysics Prize winners: Prof. Agnès Barthélémy, Dr. Manuel Bibes, Prof. Ramamoorthy Ramesh and Prof. Nicola Spaldin.

In the CMD29 conference (24th August), held in Manchester (U.K.), with the 2022 Europhysics Prize winners: Prof. Agnès Barthélémy, Dr. Manuel Bibes, Prof. Ramamoorthy Ramesh and Prof. Nicola Spaldin.

In the EPS Forum (3rd June in Paris), with the Nobel Prize Prof. J. M. Kosterlitz.

In the EPS Forum (3rd June in Paris), with the Nobel Prize Prof. J. M. Kosterlitz.


With my PhD student Javier Pablo Navarro and co-supervisor César Magén, after Javier getting the Award of Cátedra Samca to the best PhD thesis on Nanotechnology in 2020.

With my PhD student Javier Pablo Navarro and co-supervisor César Magén, after Javier getting the Award of Cátedra Samca to the best PhD thesis on Nanotechnology in 2020.

Explaining the dual beam equipment inside the Clean Room to Prof. Rosa Bolea, vice-rector of research at University of Zaragoza.

Explaining the dual beam equipment inside the Clean Room to Prof. Rosa Bolea, vice-rector of research at University of Zaragoza.

Pictures of the presentation of my novel “2037. Paraíso neuronal” in the same room where Albert Einstein had lunch and talked in 1923 and subsequent interview at Aragón Radio.

Pictures of the presentation of my novel “2037. Paraíso neuronal” in the same room where Albert Einstein had lunch and talked in 1923 and subsequent interview at Aragón Radio.


Online kick-off meeting of the new edition of the NANOLITO Spanish network in Nanolithography, in November 2020

Online kick-off meeting of the new edition of the NANOLITO Spanish network in Nanolithography, in November 2020

Online general assembly of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, in September 2020

Online general assembly of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, in September 2020

Preparation meeting with the local committee for the online CMD2020GEFES conference, in August 2020

Preparation meeting with the local committee for the online CMD2020GEFES conference, in August 2020

In Denver for the ill-fated APS March meeting, with professors Juan José Palacios and Ramón Aguado, in February 2020

In Denver for the ill-fated APS March meeting, with professors Juan José Palacios and Ramón Aguado, in February 2020

Meeting with colleagues in Zaragoza interested in magnetic properties (and gastronomy), in January 2020

Meeting with colleagues in Zaragoza interested in magnetic properties (and gastronomy), in January 2020

PhD defense of Javier Pablo Navarro, in January 2020

PhD defense of Javier Pablo Navarro, in January 2020


Dinner in Dresden with our collaborators Dr. Vladimir Fomin and Dr. Roman Rozaev in January 2019

Dinner in Dresden with our collaborators Dr. Vladimir Fomin and Dr. Roman Rozaev in January 2019

Using the Helium Ion Microscope in Dresden with Dr. Gregor Hlawacek and my PhD student Pablo Orús in January 2019

Using the Helium Ion Microscope in Dresden with Dr. Gregor Hlawacek and my PhD student Pablo Orús in January 2019

Visit to the factory of the Helium Ion Microscope of Zeiss in Peabody (U.S.A.) in March 2019 with my PhD student Javier Pablo-Navarro and hosted by Dr. John Notte

Visit to the factory of the Helium Ion Microscope of Zeiss in Peabody (U.S.A.) in March 2019 with my PhD student Javier Pablo-Navarro and hosted by Dr. John Notte

With Javier Pablo-Navarro and Prof. Steve Hill after Javier getting the Prize to the best PhD thesis in Magnetism of the American Physical Society in 2019 (Boston).

With Javier Pablo-Navarro and Prof. Steve Hill after Javier getting the Prize to the best PhD thesis in Magnetism of the American Physical Society in 2019 (Boston).

Congratulations Javier!

2019. At the PicoFIB workshop

2019. At the PicoFIB workshop

At the PicoFIB workshop, with European colleagues using the Helium Ion Microscope (UCL, London).

With the colleagues of NANOMIDAS group

With the colleagues of NANOMIDAS group

With the colleagues of NANOMIDAS group, holding the first group meeting.

Discussing with the Spanish minister of Science, Pedro Duque.

Discussing with the Spanish minister of Science, Pedro Duque.

Discussing with the Spanish minister of Science, Pedro Duque, in his visit to the Institute of Nanoscience of Aragon.

Celebrating the 60th birthday of Prof. Pedro Algarabel

Celebrating the 60th birthday of Prof. Pedro Algarabel

Our PhD student Pablo Orús

Our PhD student Pablo Orús

Our PhD student Pablo Orús presents his poster at the VORTEX conference in Antwerp.

Attending the Materials Research Society (MRS)

Attending the Materials Research Society (MRS)

Attending the Materials Research Society (MRS) conference in Boston.




In 2018, during the PicoFIB newtwork meeting, I visited the impressive HDZR installations for ion technology.

CMD Conference in Berlin

CMD Conference in Berlin

In 2018 “in action” during the CMD conference in Berlin.

In gala dinner of CMD with Prof. Braicovich and Prof. Ghiringhelli

In gala dinner of CMD with Prof. Braicovich and Prof. Ghiringhelli

In 2018 during the gala dinner to honor Prof. Braicovich and Prof. Ghiringhelli for the Condensed Matter Physics award by the European Physical Society.

PicoFIB meeting in Dresden

PicoFIB meeting in Dresden

In 2018 in Dresden (Germany), workshop picture of the PicoFIB network meeting.

Grenoble MINATEC 2018

Grenoble MINATEC 2018

Visit to the impressive installations of MINATEC in Grenoble with an electric car.


Thesis in Eindhoven

Thesis in Eindhoven

In 2017 with the Jury of the PhD defense of Nidhi Sharma.

Prof. Koopmans in Eindhoven

Prof. Koopmans in Eindhoven

In 2017 with Prof. Koopmans and his wife, from Technical University of Eindhoven (The Netherlands).

Prof. Cowburn in Darwin College

Prof. Cowburn in Darwin College

In 2017 with Prof. Cowburn from Cambridge University in Darwin College.

Library of Salamanca

Library of Salamanca

In 2017 during a visit to the Library of University of Salamanca.

Working in Paris

Working in Paris

In 2017, during experiments of W-C deposit growth using the Helium Ion Microscopy at the Center of Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies in Paris.


Singapur BIT Conference

Singapur BIT Conference

In 2016 in Singapore in the BIT conference with Spanish colleagues, including our TEM expert in Zaragoza, Raúl Arenal (first on the left).



In 2016 in Paris, with my friend and colleague Dr. Javier Briático, from CNRS.

Visiting colleagues in Montreal

Visiting colleagues in Montreal

In 2016, scientific dinner in Montreal (Canada) with our colleagues from INRS. From left to right: Dr. Haiguang Zhao, Dr. Daniele Benetti, Prof. Pedro Algarabel and myself.

Summer School in Jaca

Summer School in Jaca

In 2106 in Jaca, the picture of the summer school on Nanofabrication and Advanced Microscopies.



In 2016 in Zaragoza, participating as member of the jury of the school contest on Nanotechnology.


TALEM Meeting in Canfranc

TALEM Meeting in Canfranc

In 2015, with colleagues participating in the TALEM project winter meeting in Canfranc.


Prof. Etienne Snoeck

Prof. Etienne Snoeck

Photograph taken in 2013 in the Laboratory of Advanced Microscopies (LMA) with the LMA director, Prof. Ricardo Ibarra and Prof. Etienne Snoeck, from CNRS-CEMES in Toulouse (France).

Radio interview

Radio interview

An interview in the radio Onda Cero in 2013.

Visit of Prof. Maekawa

Visit of Prof. Maekawa

In 2013, Prof. Maekawa and Prof. Saitoh (in the center) from Japan visited the Paraninfo building of University of Zaragoza. On the right part, my colleagues Pedro Algarabel and Luis Morellón. On the left part, the President of our university (Manuel López) and myself.

Government visit at our lab

Government visit at our lab

In 2013, the head of the Spanish socialist party, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba (in the center) visited the Laboratory of Advanced Microscopies. On his right side, the President of our university (Manuel López) and the President of Aragon (Javier Lambán). On his left side, my colleague Luis Morellón and myself.

Visiting Ines Serrano at Cambridge University

Visiting Ines Serrano at Cambridge University

In 2013, having a cup of tee with my PhD student Inés Serrano-Esparza in Cambridge University.

Great Wall of China

Great Wall of China

In 2013, guided visit to the Great Wall after the EMN conference in Beijing (China).

Visiting Amalio at Cambridge University

Visiting Amalio at Cambridge University

In 2013, I visited Amalio Fernández-Pacheco (previously my PhD student) at Cambridge University and he showed me the dining room of his college, Sidney Sussex.


New book about nanofabrication

New book about nanofabrication

In 2012, happy to see this book on nanofabrication by focused electron and ion beams, where we contributed in two chapters.

Meeting at University of Cantabria

Meeting at University of Cantabria

In 2012, Prof. Jesús Rodríguez, from University of Cantabria, organized a nice meeting of the Spanish condensed matter community, with the presence of Prof. Fert.


Visiting Luis Serrano at San Francisco

Visiting Luis Serrano at San Francisco

In 2011, I joined my PhD student Luis Serrano at ALS in Berkeley for the STXM experiments on cobalt nanostructures and escaped for some hours to take this photograph of the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco.


Visit of Prof. Freitas and Prof. Rivas

Visit of Prof. Freitas and Prof. Rivas

In 2010, the INL directors, Prof. Rivas and Prof. Freitas, visited the Laboratory of Advanced Microscopies in Zaragoza.


Dr. Yusuf

Dr. Yusuf

In 2009, farewell party for Dr. Yusuf, from Mumbai (India), who spent one year in our group.

Prof. Fert Honoris Causa

Prof. Fert Honoris Causa

In 2009, after the Honoris Causa Doctorship ceremony to Prof. Albert Fert.

Prof. Fert Honoris Causa

Prof. Fert Honoris Causa

In 2009, during the ceremony in the Paraninfo building of University of Zaragoza to give the Honoris Causa Doctorship to Nobel-Prize winner Prof. Albert Fert, my supervisor during my postdoctoral stay in Paris.

Dual Beam

Dual Beam

In 2009, with colleagues from Zaragoza after successful results on superconducting W-C FIBID. From right to left: Ricardo Ibarra, myself, Rosa Córdoba and Javier Sesé.

Conference about Graphene in Benasque

Conference about Graphene in Benasque

Conference about Graphene in Benasque, including Pablo Jarillo-Herrero and Francisco Guinea and me with red shirt.


Intermag in Dublin

Intermag in Dublin

FEBIP in Thun

FEBIP in Thun


Palacio Real (Madrid)

Palacio Real (Madrid)

In 2005 at the Royal Palace in Madrid, shaking hands with Spanish King Juan Carlos I.

Palacio Real (Madrid)

Palacio Real (Madrid)

In 2005 at the Royal Palace in Madrid, shaking hands with Spanish Queen Sofia.

CSIC Madrid

CSIC Madrid

Receiving a CSIC distinction in the central building of CSIC in Madrid by the General Director of the Ministry of Science and Education.


Tenerife Arturo Lopez

Tenerife Arturo Lopez

In front of a telescope in IAC (Canary-Island Astrophysics institute) with my friend and eminent astrophysicist Arturo López, from the CNRS.

Sta. Margarita Ligure with Jorge Mira

Sta. Margarita Ligure with Jorge Mira

In a ESF conference on oxide materials in Santa Margherita Ligure with my friend Jorge Mira, professor of Electromagnetism in Santiago de Compostela and famous Galician TV showman.

Prize Aragon Investiga

Prize Aragon Investiga

In 2004 I was awarded with the Aragon-Investiga Prize for young researchers, given by the Government of Aragon. From right to left: the Science Counselor (Alberto Larraz), the Aragon President (Marcelino Iglesias), and the winners, Julio Montoya, the BSH representative and myself.


Prof. Maekawa visited Zaragoza

Prof. Maekawa visited Zaragoza

In 2003 Prof. Maekawa and colleagues visited Zaragoza for the first time. I wore an appropriate T-shirt for this occasion.


Magnetism Group

Magnetism Group

The Magnetism group in 2001




In 1999, my friend and comic artist Chema Cebolla visited me in Paris and after attending a concert in a church made this drawing of me

Growing magnetic tunnel junctions in Paris

Growing magnetic tunnel junctions in Paris

1999. Growing magnetic tunnel junctions in Paris, in the group of Albert Fert at the Unité Mixte (CNRS, Université Paris-Sud and Thomson-CSF).


My Physics' classmates and professors

My Physics' classmates and professors

With my Physics’ classmates in 1990 (third year). I am the first one starting from the right side

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(+34) 976 762 463

Facultad de Ciencias
Campus Plaza San Francisco
50009 Zaragoza (Spain)

LMA - Universidad de Zaragoza
Edificio de I+D
Campus Río Ebro
50018 Zaragoza (Spain)

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