A summer school in Jaca on nanofabrication and electron microscopies is organized by Nanolito and Elecmi
A summer school in Jaca on nanofabrication and electron microscopies is organized by Nanolito and Elecmi.

A symposium on nanofabrication is organized by Nanolito in the framework of the biennial conference of the RSEF held in San Sebastián
A symposium on nanofabrication is organized by Nanolito in the framework of the biennial conference of the RSEF held in San Sebastián.

Amaia Sáenz gets an award for the best oral contribution in the FEBIP2024 conference, held in Frankfurt (Germany)
Amaia Sáenz gets an award for the best oral contribution in the FEBIP2024 conference, held in Frankfurt (Germany).
José María de Teresa delivers an invited talk at 9th Nanotech France conference in Paris (France)
José María de Teresa delivers an invited talk at 9th Nanotech France conference in Paris (France) with the title “Applications of direct-write nanoscale materials in Nanotechnology”.
José María de Teresa delivers an invited talk at the Department of Physics at Uppsala University (Sweden)
José María de Teresa delivers an invited talk at the Department of Physics at Uppsala University (Sweden), invited by Dr. Venkata Kamalakar, with the title “Growth of functional materials by means of focused electron and ion irradiation”.
Juan Ocaña starts a contract in Nanomidas
Juan Ocaña starts a contract in Nanomidas.

José María de Teresa and Pilar Cea pay a visit to the Spanish center for human evolution in Burgos
José María de Teresa and Pilar Cea pay a visit to the Spanish center for human evolution in Burgos in the framework of exchanges between ICTS (Spanish national facilities).

José María de Teresa organizes a session on condensed matter in the framework of the EPS Forum
José María de Teresa organizes a session on condensed matter in the framework of the EPS Forum, held in Berlin (Germany).

Amaia Sáenz gets an award for the best poster contribution in the Correlations and Topology in Quantum Materials conference
Amaia Sáenz gets an award for the best poster contribution in the Correlations and Topology in Quantum Materials conference, held in Bad Honnef (Germany).
José María de Teresa, Raúl Arenal, David Serrate and Pilar Cea pay a visit to INL (Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory) in Braga (Portugal) to explore synergies
José María de Teresa, Raúl Arenal, David Serrate and Pilar Cea pay a visit to INL (Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory) in Braga (Portugal) to explore synergies.MSc. Tatiana Escalante starts working with us in a Spanish proof-of-concept project.
